With a little ingenuity and strategy you can engineer a sure fire way to ensure that your target audience on Facebook will see your value-packed posts and engage with it.
This approach rivals the power of the targeting features in Facebook’s advertising platform. However, this rendition has a much more in depth and personalized targeting mechanism.
With this combination of extreme due diligence of knowing your marketplace and the psychographic tendencies of your avatar, coupled with the blood-sweat-and-tears-labor of doing the actual work to put a system into play and following up so no one falls through the algorithmic cracks, you are highly likely to experience an influx of activity, despite Facebook’s attempt to kill organic reach every other week 🙁 meh
Not to mention, this is a 100% no cost method for generating FREE leads, on demand, with people who fit your ideal avatar to a tee.
After all, YOU will be identifying them based on your interpretation of what they said and where they said it.
Buckle up because you’re in for a ride 🙂
Table of Contents
ToggleFind Your Target Audience On Facebook
On Facebook, the assumption is that you already have a warm audience, which is your current friends list. Let’s consider that you’ve exhausted your warm market and need a fresh batch of friends to engage with and provide value to so you’re able to eventually offer your products or services to.
The first thing you need to be crystal clear on is what problem you are solving and to whom you are solving this problem for. Once you have that nailed down, then you need to identify what Facebook groups these people are congregating in, looking to find answers to their concerns, and looking for a like minded community to be a part of.
For this lesson, let’s set the stage with a fresh new offer and avatar so I can walk you through the exact steps on how to run this playbook. My BFF copywriting buddy is Jarvis. He helps copywriters work less, write better, and make more money.
My ideal audience is other freelance copywriters who want to make gobs of cash without burning out or running out of clients to service. Make sure to also craft a compelling and clear tagline for your profile description so its apparent who you serve.
- Ideal Avatar: Freelance copywriters
- Offer: Jarvis (copywriting AI software)
- Tag Line: Jarvis will help you write better copy, work less, and make more money as a freelance copywriter

Growth Tip #1: Add curiosity wherever possible. It incites intrigue that leads to action.
What Facebook Groups Are They In?
Now that you know who you want to serve and what your offer is, it’s time to hunt down your prospects and find where you can interact with them.
The most obvious place is to scour Facebook groups 🙂
- Go to the search bar and type in your avatar using a keyword…in this example I’m using “copywriter”
- Scroll down and click on the “groups” button to only show different Facebook groups with your keyword in the title or description
- You’ll have the option of joining “private” or “public” groups, I recommend joining as many “private” groups first
- Start with groups that have a lot of members, then work your way down to the smaller groups
Note: Public groups are great because you don’t have to wait to be accepted into the private groups, however…public groups are often spammy and full of Timmy Tire Kickers, Betty Bots, and Forex Frankies.

Snipe The Search Bar
Once you’ve been accepted into a group, your work starts here. Don’t worry about posting an introductory piece. I mean…you could if you wanted to and there’s no drawback to it, but I’d rather you initially focus on hyper hunting the people you can serve and help.
Plus, here’s the reality…chances are someone else has done the heavy lifting for you already. This makes it a lot easier to find your target audience on Facebook, and of course less laborious 😉
- Go to the search bar in the FB group and type in a keyword that would indicate a type of pain, struggle, or issue someone had previously posted about.
Think about what your avatar would say about the pain point they are struggling with. Then type in some of those words to start your due diligence on the hyper targeting. General words are good starter words to get the ball rolling, such as :
(you can google other pain point words and find tons more)

Growth Tip #2: Use the “Date Posted” filter to search the most recent & relevant data

Once you find posts that are relevant, click through and dig deeper. Your goal is to find juicy content that displays a clear indication of someone having a dire need that you can support.
Also comb through the comments. You will notice a lot of people will be giving advice, which is great, but you’ll also find other people who echo the sentiments of the frustrated poster. And that person now becomes another highly targeted prospect for you as well.

BOOYA!!!! Now that we found a prospect, let’s get him the help he needs 🙂
DISCLAIMER: Make sure to make it a point to add value to the group as well. Leave valuable comments, post killer content, and engage in good faith. People resonate with people who treat them like people and not stalking horses, so be sure to provide value and be part of the community.
Add To A Friends List
At this point, I caution you from doing what every other organic marketing hustler tries to do when they send a “friend request”…DO NOT SPAM SELL!!!! This post will teach you how to grow and build in an organic manner without putting your spam sleeves on.
Gathering your target audience on facebook doesn’t get any easier than this. The first part of this particular process is to create a container to house your friends in a singular area so that they are all within the same category and access point.

- Click on the Home icon at the top of your profile
- Scroll through the left side column to find “Friends List” and click on that button (you may need to click on “See More” to show more options
- Click on “Create List” to name your list
Now that you have this exclusive list, whenever you post content on Facebook you can select a specific list to show that specific piece of content to.
Now your mom and judgmental cousins don’t have to see what you’re doing and because you’ll be loading this list with relevant people, they become highly targeted for your killer posts.
I recommend sending roughly 10-15 friend requests a day so you can have a pool of 50-75 potential new prospects at the end of the week.
Let’s say at the end of the week you get 10 new friends.
Here’s what you do (assuming these are from the research and due diligence you’ve done in the relevant groups and relevant posts you’ve read through and assessed.)
- Go to your friends list
- Go to “Recently Added”
- Click on the three dots next to your new friend’s name
- Scroll down to “Edit Friends List” and click it
- Find the list you want to add that specific friend to and click the checkbox

Now, whenever you post, you can select that list and ONLY those people will see that particular post. We’ll cover this later 🙂
Say A Quick Hello
Now that you have a new friend…DO NOT…I repeat…DO NOT do what everyone else does and start pitching from a cold DM script that you got from a coach.
To make THIS approach work, you won’t need to do any of that because we really are trying to build real rapport while working the algorithm so that when you post a killer piece that answers their biggest problem, they’ll see it and be attracted to that post.
With that being said, at this point all you need to do is trigger the algorithm with any nice, non-invasive type of initial direct message. Here are some of my favorite:
- Thanks!
- Appreciate you
- God bless
- Thanks for connecting
- Hope all is well
- How did you like {reference their school}?
- Have a great day!!!
- etc…(you get the point)
The Facebook algorithm favors direct messages, hence we say a quick hello. However, a single DM isn’t strong enough to ensure your posts get visibility, however, it’s a great start.
Write A Killer Post
At this juncture, you’ve identified the problem you solve and who you solve it for.
You’ve found relevant and targeted prospects
You’ve invited them to join your social ecosystem
You’ve placed them into an exclusive list
Now, you want to work your magic in our upcoming post
- Speak specifically to your new friends and the pain points you’ve uncovered in the groups you met them at
- Stay away from hype-type posts that shine the light on you…focus on what’s in it for your prospects
- Infuse your personality and style into your post
- Be specific, direct, yet creative and catchy
FYI, when it’s time to post (see the workflow schedule below) your killer content, you can now adjust who sees your post and ensure only the people you want to speak to can see it. Here’s how 🙂

Run The Social Post Playbook
This is where the fun starts 🙂 This is also where heavy activity on your part will come into play so make sure you tap in with your peak performance mindset because you can easily flame out if you’re not mentally tough.
The Social Post Playbook is a simple 5 step process that will trigger the Facebook algorithm to read your social signals in such a way that demonstrates the “social” nature of your profile and the profile of your new (targeted) friends.
Because of this connected activity you stand a high chance of getting in front of your new highly relevant friends. And with a killer relevant and value-packed post, you stand to receive more than good will 🙂
Note: Run these steps all in one sitting! Execute each step of the playbook in order and do not wait for another day or later in the day…run it all in sequence.
- Get To Know Your New Friend
Go back to the “Recently Added” tab in your friends section and comb through each of your new friends and visit their profile to identify something that resonates with you that you can connect with them on.
- Send A Message
Once you find that common interest thread, shoot a message over, celebrating, affirming, encouraging, highlighting, or mentioning what that is and giving them flowers for it.
- Re-triggers algo
- Super-charges rapport
- Give A Like
Visit that friend’s profile and hit like on a few posts.
- Drop A Comment
Leave some comments on a few of the posts you’ve liked.
- Watch Stories
Hit their stories button to watch a few stories and interact with the stories with a direct message, or punching any of the emoji buttons.
Remember, when you engage in stories…it sends a direct message again…
BUT, this time its a direct message in a different form, so it diversifies the message while also altering your new friend with another message but from a story 🙂
Run this sequence to 20-30 of your newest friends…or more if you have the time.
Post The Relevant Killer Content
Once you’ve run the playbook sequence to your new buddies, post your killer content piece. As people engage with your post, return the favor by engaging publicly, but also think of creative comments you can send via messenger, since you’ve already been active in messenger.
My buddy loves to say that “every like is a lead” it will either lead you to a referral partner or a revenue partner. So make sure to work your social lead system with all who engage.
Go LIVE To Speak On Your Recent Post Without Saying Your Addressing It 😉
Save this for the day after you post. Facebook favors live videos big time, so it will show your live feed to a ton of folks.
Of course, the people you most recently engaged with will see it because of the playbook you just ran, but it will also show it to people similar to them and to other folks in your list as well, simply because it’s a FB live video.
- Make sure to have a solid headline to grab attention.
- Be authoritative
- Be empathetic
- Be authentic
- Be present
Check In With Your New Friend
If you haven’t received a message back from any of your new friends, then reach out directly to them with a creative comment or message to check in. This is also a great opportunity for you to ask for their feedback on either your post or your live video to start the conversation.
Social Post Playbook Workflow
Assuming you’ve done the deed of joining the groups you feel is aligned with your offer and the people you want to serve.
- Day 1 – Friend Request 10-15 relevant people from Group 1
- Day 2 – Friend Request 10-15 relevant people from Group 2
- Day 3 – Friend Request 10-15 relevant people from Group 3
- Day 4 – Run Social Post Playbook Sequence
- Day 5 – Post Killer Content and engage with activity (post & stories)
- Day 6 – Go LIVE and engage with activity
- Day 7 – Follow up with people who didn’t engage while continuing convos generated
Now go and conquer the social media world spending $0 on ads while staying hyper focused on your target audience on facebook.
Hope this helped 🙂